Thor: The Dark World (2013)

I loved this film. As an antisocial, tumblr blogging, marvel loving internet dweller, I especially loved this film. To sum up, Loki and Thor team up again and Jane Porter (Natalie Portman) tags along, managing to catch up with the help of her intern and her intern’s intern. Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard) streaks at Stone Henge and Christopher Eccleston goes somewhat unnoticed with his stoney (really) friend as the baddies in town, and by town I mean the 9 linked realms in convergence. Although you really should pay attention to understand that in more depth and detail in the cinema, the film was fantastic. I grinned madly at every scene with the utterly charming Tom Hiddleston in as Loki (self-confessed lover/admirer/fan – I got very excited when he was recently on Alan Carr’s talk show and danced).

Across the country women swooned at a completely unnecessary shirtless Hemsworth scene and partners felt somewhat intimidated at the same time (I saw you, man in front of me looking upset at his girlfriend). Men enjoyed Jamie Alexander’s appearance on the red carpet where the only thing her dress fully covered was her arms (she pulled it off, it’s okay) and never before has a franchise been more fond of nudity (I am of course, kidding). And Marvel fans everywhere (mainly online) will love the appearance of the beloved Captain America, oodles of screen time for Loki, somewhat humorously British product placement – love those Shreddies, and a good, strong Marvel superhero feel. Films seem to be getting better and better at balancing action and drama with comedy. This film was very, very funny and I agree with the common view that without Loki, the film would be at least a star lower in rating. Saying that, there’s a lot going on and there is actually a lot to understand, a lot to laugh at and a lot of time to be surprised by the plot twists – just don’t shout it out loud.

This film had everything I expected from it as well as everything I expected from a Marvel film, and everything I expected from a superhero film. There is some debate as to whether Iron Man 3 or Thor 2 is better. I think Thor 2 and my brother thinks Iron Man 3 – there’s nor much in it, trust me, let’s ask my mother… She’s not sure. So, well, that – moving on. I have not much else to say except for a tip: stay for the credits as there is a clip at the end as well as in the middle of the credits.

Fantastic fantasy and entertaining action gives Thor: The Dark World a FOUR STARS. Or as my brother pointed out, THOR STARS (way better).

One thought on “Thor: The Dark World (2013)

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