Big Hero 6 (2015)

This film is utterly brilliant, and a serious must-see.

This is the happiest I have ever felt upon leaving the cinema; my friend and I were grinning as we walked through town, laughing all over again and planning on pre-ordering the DVD. I laughed (I cackled at an alarming volume), I cried (I sobbed into my scarf), and grinned throughout – you don’t get that every day.


The innocence of this film and its characters is admirable, and the plot and narrative is bloody strong for an animation. Baymax (if you haven’t seen it, the pudgy white robot) is superb. The concept of becoming human is a personal favourite that never fails to deliver – as demonstrated by Big Hero 6. As Baymax cares for Hiro and his friends, you learn to love him just as Hiro does.

A truly great Disney tale that gives us an incredibly well-rounded group of characters, all with individual traits, styles and personalities. Together they struggle through tough times, led by a clever young boy who must make a moral decision in the face of adversity. 


With unexpected twists, clever technology, a great soundtrack (Fall Out Boys ‘Immortals’), and a beautiful hometown that is a mash of San Francisco and Tokyo (San Fransokyo), this film delivers gorgeous animation, lovable characters and a ton of laughs. A really emotive film that hits every nail on the head. 

Put simply, it’s films like this that keep me writing about film.

5 Stars for Big Hero 6.